Sweet Almond Oil for hair growth

Sweet Almond Oil for hair growth

Sweet almond oil for hair growth

How does Sweet Almond Oil help with hair growth? 

Sweet Almond oil is rich in vitamin A, B, D, E,  contains high levels of protein, & omega-9,6 and 3 fatty acids. Which helps keep hair shiny & moisturized when used as a sealant, it stimulates hair growth & helps prevent drying & scalp tightness, when used as a scalp oil.

 Sweet Almond oil is also rich in biotin (vitamin B-7) which is known to keep hair healthy and strong.

This oil provides an increase in blood flow to hair follicles while feeding the scalp with its powerful antioxidants. Providing hydration & nutrients to hair follicles.

When used on the lengths of your hair as a sealant it smoothes out hair cuticles making hair less prone to split ends. YAY!!

Lastly this oil softens hair & reduces friction while styling (which helps hair grow by reducing breakage) 

Sweet Almond oil is used in our Low Porosity oil, for maximum results use this oil as a scalp oil for scalp massages, as a sealant using the LOC/LCO/LO method, and can also be used for hot oil treatments.

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